The images featured here are examples of my art works produced during a fifty year practice. I continue to make new work. The archive is large, as I tend to work through series, each work relating to others with a particular idea in mind. The entire series makes up a resolved collection of my works starting from the early etchings. Each new series is informed by previous series, with technical experimentation across multiple mediums: etching, mono-types, drawing, painting, watercolours, collage and collographs - which is a method of printing a collage on to paper. Rita Hall, 2021



To delve into Rita's practice, works may be viewed from last to first to follow the progression of ideas throughout her career. The subject may change but many of the ideas remain the same. Some works however, may not follow an idea but are simply reflections of her practice such as her love of drawing the figure.

Strawberry Hill Studio




1. Prayer 2022 47 x 43cm

Comfort 2020 - Present

1. Vertical Cushions Oil and Collage on Canvas 91 x 91cm

'New Paintings' 2016

A Field of Itinerant Offerings, oil and collage on canvas 80 x 75cm

Domestic Rituals 2015


Still Lives 2014

'Actually I am in charge. Carol Gaston' 2012 Monotype & Charcoal   70x50cm

Goolwa Portraits 2012

Blue Wing 2008 conté & charcoal on paper 125x85cm FRAMED

Museum Birds (Drawings and Watercolours) 2006 - 2009

Azure Kingfisher 1 2008 oil on canvas 60x66cm

Museum Birds (Oils on Canvas) 2006 - 2009

11. Little Wattlebird - SOLD

Bird Portraits 2006

Oil paintings on canvas inspired by the display bird specimens at the SA Museum
Yellow waist 2005 85x56cm collograph watercolour

Textiles 2002 - 2006

Totum II 2000 Collograph Charcoal Pastel 86 x 61cm

Vessels & Bowls 1998 - 2000, 2019 

Untitled Fold Down Boots 1998 Collograph Pastel  76 x 58cm

Boots and Shoes 1997 - 1998 & 2020

Piaffe Passage 1997 Charcoal and Gouache 56 x 86cm

Dressage Series 1997

Winter Rugs 1995 Etching 76 x 56cm

Equine Etchings 1994 - 1996

equise 1

Leather Horse Rugs 1994 - 1996

Birds Head Dagger 1996 collograph and watercolour 76 x 56cm

Tools 1994 - 1995

Shaped Stone  1993 76 x 56cm collograph

Shaped Stones 1991 - 1993

Beach 1992 Collograph 56 x 76cm

Mouth Flat & Lake Mungo 1992 - 1993

1.  Wedge 1991 Charcoal  76 x 56cm

Stones 1990 - 1991

Black Swan 1989 Lino Cut 100 x 50cm

Australian Bird Series 1988

…and the crane fly sat on the goanna’s nose” 1986

Wall Hangings 1979 - 1988

Annie 1990 Hand coloured Woodcut 76 x 57.5cm

Figures - from 1980

1. Mop 1977 76 x 56cm Etching

Early Etchings 1970 - 1982

Made with